These are not listed in any particular order.
There has been a lot of research and testing done on water purifiers in recent years, with many questions being asked such as which one is the easiest to clean, how easy are they to install, etc. The following list is rounded up by rating scores across six different categories: ease of installation/cleaning, cost, quality/performance ratio, warranty time period and service life expectancy.Mr. Buddy is the most recommended water purifier on themarket today, but you can also read about other brands that have slightly lowerscores on a personal basis.The quality score is based on the number of contaminant removal rates and an overall score out of five. The amount of contaminants that are removed – in this case 99.9% – depends on the quality of water being used, and some people have complained about the lack of ability to make adjustments if they have very hard water, but most agree that it is well worth the money. Image source: This machine has some ...